Thursday, January 30, 2020

Erik Eriksons 8 Stages of Man Essay Example for Free

Erik Eriksons 8 Stages of Man Essay 1. Trust vs. Mistrust- This mother displays affection, and adequate care giving to her child. By providing a child with this throughout their first year of life, you show that they can depend on you. This forms a bond of trust between mother and infant, rather than mistrust. 2. Autonomy vs. Doubt- This child is three years old; he has progressed from diapers to the adult sized toilet. After going to the bathroom, he knows he must wash his hands. His mother sees that he wants to do it himself, but is slightly frustrated that he is not tall enough. This mother could just pick him up and assist him, making him feel like he couldn’t do it. She buys him a small step stool, and supervises him washing his hands also providing positive reinforcement. 3. Initiative vs. Guilt- This set of parents notice that their five year old boy greatly enjoys wrestling with his older brothers. They sign him up for karate lessons so he can enjoy himself, but do it in a safe way. 4. Industry vs. Inferiority- A mother is sewing inside her living room. The mother tells her ten year old daughter she is making a scarf. The phone rings, and the mother answers and leaves the room. Her daughter, wanting to be just like mommy, cut up the curtains to make her mother a dress. Her mother re-enters the room, smiling and thanking her daughter for picking such a pretty fabric for her dress. The mother continued to help her make the dress. 5. Identity vs. Identity Confusion- This seventeen year old girl has had a very good life. Her parents have always been supportive in everything she has done. Now that she has reached her adolescence, she believes she might know who she is. Throughout her life, she has taken dance lesson, art class, done musical theatre, painting, singing lessons and many other things in the artistic field. She feels her true passion in life is for art and painting, and she may want to pursue a career in that field. 6. Intimacy vs. Isolation- Now that this woman has reached adulthood, she wants to begin searching for a lifetime partner. She meets a nice man in the mall, though he doesn’t call her for two weeks she doesn’t get discouraged. They go on many dates, become a couple and eventually after two years of dating decide to get married. 7. Generatively vs. Stagnation- After getting married, a man and a woman discuss what they plan to do with their lives. They decide he will continue working, and they want to have a child. She does not want to stay at home forever though, so they agreed that when the time is right she would get a part time job. 8. Integrity vs. Despair- A man is in his late sixties, and gets called an â€Å"old man† for the first time. He realizes that he wasted his whole life working and not enjoying himself, he wants to feel young again. He sells his house in New York and moves to Florida. He finds himself a young girlfriend, and parties like he’s in his twenties again.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Dylan Thomas :: essays research papers

Thomas’ Dying Light Dylan Marlais Thomas was born in Swansea, Wales on October 27, 1914. After leaving school, he worked briefly as a junior reporter on the South Wales Evening Post. In November of 1923 he moved to London and in December of that he published his first book, Eighteen Poems. In April 1936 he met his future wife, Caitlin Macnamara. In September 1936, his second volume of poetry, Twenty-five Poems, was released. In July 1937 Dylan and Caitlin were married and in the following year they moved to Laugharne, Wales. Their first child, Llewlyn Edouard Thomas was born in January 1939. The Map of Love, soon to be the title of a major film, was published in August and The World I Breathe was released in December.(Bookshelf ’98) In April of 1940 Portrait of the Artist as a Young Dog was published and in September Dylan began working for Strand Films, Inc. He remained with Strand through the conclusion of the Second World War. His second child Aeronwy, Byrn Thomas was born in March of 1943. Deaths and Entrances was released in 1946. Three years later his child, Colm Garan Hart Thomas, was born. In 1952 his final volume, Collected Poems, was published. In addition to the work previously mentioned, he also published many short stories, wrote filmscripts, broadcast stories, did a series lecture tours in the United States and wrote Under Milkwood, his famous play for voices.(Bookshelf ’98) During his fourth lecture tour of the United States in 1953, he collapsed in his New York hotel. He was but a few days past his 39th birthday. He died on Noovenber 9th, 1953 at St. Vincents Hospital, New York. His alcoholism was legendary and no doubt played a significant role in his demise. His Body was sent back to Laugharne, Wales, where his grave is marked by a simple wooden cross- the way he would have seen fit. In July 1994 his wife, Caitlin, died in Italy. She had spent most of her years there since his death.(Bookshelf ’98) Thomas, one of the best known poets of the mid-twentieth century, is remembered for his highly original, obscure poems, his amusing prose tales and plays, and his turbulent, highly-publicized personal life. He was widely recognized for his powerful poetry readings of BBC radio. He became a very popular public figure. Thomas was a man with a very Keatsian style and manner.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Leadership Style Essay

Effective leadership is contingent on matching a leader’s style to a setting that fits (Northouse, 2007). According to Fiedler’s Contingency Theory, leadership styles are operationalized primarily on two ends of a spectrum, they are characterized as task motivated, or relationship motivated (Northouse, 2007). I believe in the adage that practice makes perfect. In this paper, I will look into an alternative way for leaders to lead when they find themselves situated in an unfavorable situation. In the case of leadership; an administrator, manager, or supervisor should use a reflective mindful praxis to improve their ability to make decisions that will achieve optimal outcomes from the organizations they lead in all situations, especially unfavorable ones. Fiedler’s research demonstrates, in essence, if you don’t fit the team mold, you are unfit to lead the team. The contingency model asserts that leadership styles can be gauged by the Least Preferred Coworker (LPC) scale. This model posits leadership styles on a spectrum ranging from task motivated, low LPC, or relationship motivated, high LPC. The contingency aspect ties the leadership styles to situational variables of the organization. The situational variables include leader-member relations, task structure and positional power (Northouse, 2007). Leader-member relations are characterized as good or poor depending on feelings found in the group atmosphere, relationships and trust. Although there is no scale for the task structure, the situational variable in the model, there is a clear definition of the term. The variable is operationalized by high structure and low structure. Position power is characterized by the authority a leader has to deliver the proverbial carrot or the stick, i. e. rewards and punishments (Northouse, 2007). Fiedler has an understanding of why leaders in the wrong setting are ineffective (Northouse, 2007). The correlation between the leader’s LPC score and the group or organization’s performance depended (or was contingent) on the degree to which the leadership situation was â€Å"favorable†(Fiedler, 1995). A leader in an uncomfortable and unfitting situation experiences stress and anxiety (Northouse, 2007). A leader under stress is likely to exhibit inappropriate behaviors and revert to less mature ways of coping that were learned in early development (Northouse, 2007). The leader’s less appropriate behaviors and decisions result in negative work outcomes (Northouse, 2007). This may be true in most situations; however, with our proposed alternative model, the M Model (M2), leaders can be taught how to transform their leadership style so that it transforms poor situations into good situations with successful outcomes. Hackman and Wagemann (2007) believe it is essential that we understand how to help leaders learn. Leaders can become even more effective if they are able to learn from their experience, both successes and failures without assigning cause to something or someone out of their control (Hackman and Wagemann, 2007). The M2 posits a leader learning strategy grounded in metacognition and mindfulness. Cognitive psychologists use the term metacognition to describe our ability to assess our own skills, knowledge, or learning (Lang, 2012). Chew describes metacognition as a person’s awareness of his or her own level of knowledge and thought processes (Lang, 2012). As stated by Kruger and Dunning, â€Å"those with limited knowledge in a domain suffer a dual burden: Not only do they reach mistaken conclusions and make regrettable errors, but their incompetence robs them of the ability to realize it† (Krugger, Dunning, 1999). The M2 way is to practice metacognition as it relates to leadership skills and behaviors. M2 practitioners develop a practical understanding of their leadership abilities in various settings and they use their metacognitive awareness to improve their leadership skills in various situations. The other half of the M2 way is for the leader to be fully aware of their actions and the likely outcomes. This strategy is met by improving one’s mindfulness. Put simply, mindfulness practice is being aware of what is, what is happening now in the present moment (Bing, 2012). Goldman (2010) uses a definition of mindfulness from Rinchen in 2001. Rinchen’s definition of mindfulness situated in the leadership context is: â€Å"ridding ourselves of negative mental states and fostering and developing constructive ones† (Goldman, 2010). Mindfulness has shown to be effective in improving one’s performance in stressful situations (Kabat-Zinn, 1990). Therefore, the M2 strategy is to teach the leader to be aware of their actions in the moment and this is accomplished vis a vis a practice of mindfulness. We postulate this mindful awareness will allow the M2 leader to make better choices in whatever situation they find themselves in. The keystone of the M Model (M2) is reflective leadership praxis. Praxis is the practice of an art or craft, such as leading (Bing Dictionary, 2012). Through reflection leaders analyze various leadership concepts, evaluate their experiences, and develop their personal leadership theory (Astin, 2000). Reflection provides leaders with the opportunity to examine and question and develop beliefs and values. It involves observation, questioning, and putting facts, ideas, and experiences together to construct new meaning and wisdom (UNK). Yukl (2008) finds that effective leaders are flexible and adaptive. We expect the M2 method combining metacognition, mindfulness and reflective practice will develop effective leaders. The proper place to begin is often at the beginning. The M2 solution posits that the leader must not only know themselves, but also their organization. With that knowledge of themselves and their organization applied to the contingency theory we can propose a solution to Fiedler’s catch 22 that a leader in a poor situation is doomed. The M2 solution begins at the point when a leader finds herself in a poor situation. The M2 leader knows her strengths, LPC score and other relevant situational and organizational information. She is taught to assess the organization thoroughly based on the situational variables. The assessment leads to the realization she is in the wrong situation and with M2 skills this discovery is made sooner than later. Knowing she is in the wrong situation the leader can take action to alleviate the stress that, Fiedler suggested, leads to poor decision making. Upon realizing she is in the poor and stressed situation the M2 leader will apply her reflective leadership practices for optimal outcomes. This is a set of practices that include development of the weekly or daily habit of reflecting upon actions taken and the results of those actions. The reflection will include a commitment to ongoing and summative written reflection and regular discussion with their M2 coach (Mabry, 1998). This reflection will lead the M2 leader to be more aware of her actions in the moment. This awareness will allow for a clearer understanding of a predictable result. Awareness in the moment will allow the M2 leader to choose a more appropriate action for the situation. This fits with the situational approached developed by Hersey and Blanchard. The premise of situational leadership is that an effective leader will be flexible and adapt to the situation (Northouse, 2007). The M2 hypothesizes that reflective praxis and mindful action will lead to improved organizational outcomes. Although Fiedler’s contingency theory has not always been collaborated by other research, it works. Our preliminary analysis predicts that the reflective leadership praxis of M2 will enhance the skills of the leader that finds herself in a favorable or unfavorable situation. The M2 practitioner in an unfavorable situation will not suffer the consequences of stress related poor decision-making. The M2 practitioner will be able to make choices that result in optimal outcomes not only for the organization but also for the people she leads.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Legalizing Prostitution The Pros and Cons Essay - 770 Words

Prostitution is one of the most controversial subjects in the United States. There are many pros and cons to this subject. First, Prostitution shouldn’t be a crime because it is a victimless crime. In no way is the prostitute committing a crime on society, of course you could argue that the spreading of diseases could be a crime. But the fact that it could happen during regular intercourse should completely nullify that argument in favor of legalizing. Criminalizing prostitution is a way for slowing the spread of sexually transmitted diseases; it is not a way to confront the problem of STD’s. We saw this quite clearly in the time of alcohol prohibition in this country. â€Å"Those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it†.†¦show more content†¦To stop these body guards of doing what they wanted they would be employed by the owner of the business instead of the prostitute themselves. So instead of the prostitute giving the orders the bo dy guard, his job would be to prevent physical injuries to the prostitute. If he violated that basic principle he would be fired. Forth, the protection against STD’s would be extremely high with government regulations in play. Clients could be forced to wear condoms when they are with the prostitute. With tests for STD’s to be regulated, the prostitutes would have to be tested at certain times. For example every other week, if prostitutes were tested constantly then there would be minimum worry about the spread of STD’s. If a prostitute was found tested positive they would be let go from the business. Fifth, the occurrence of rape would dramatically drop. With prostitution legalized a person could just go to their local brothel and not have to force sex. It is estimated that if prostitution were legalized in the United States, the rape rate would decrease by roughly 25% for a decrease of about 25,000 rapes per year. Sixth, with prostitution legalized a large amo unt of women could find an easy carrier to get into. Although it is probably not any ones desired carrier it is a fanatical transaction that would get extra money to those who need it. Obviously it is not the most desired work and it might go against religion, beliefs, and maybe even marriage. You can’tShow MoreRelatedProstitution: Should A Change Be Made? Essay775 Words   |  4 PagesProstitution: Should A Change Be Made? Prostitution is often called the world’s oldest profession. By definition, it is â€Å"the practice or occupation of engaging in sexual activity with someone for payment.† It has been around since the first civilizations of Mesopotamia and isn’t going anywhere. Prostitution is also one of the most controversial topics in todays modern society. There is a wide variety of different pros and cons related to this subject. With these pros and cons come supporters andRead MoreShould Prostitution Be Legal?1354 Words   |  6 PagesTopic: Should Prostitution be Legal? General Purpose: To inform Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about the pros and cons of prostitution being legalized. Central Idea: There are various valid points on both side of the controversial issue of prostitution. I. Introduction Attention-Getter. The only reason I d lift my skirt is to pull a pistol and plug you in the head. Reveal the Topic. Should prostitution be legalized? C. Audience Motivation. Most human beings enjoy sexRead MoreShould Prostitution Be Legalized? Essay example858 Words   |  4 PagesLegalizing prostitution would be beneficial to the government and sex workers by creating tax revenue, bettering medical care, and protecting prostitutes against violence. 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